The following are editorial corrections to the 2017 NFHS Baseball Rules book.
Rule 5-1-2f
ART. 2…It is a delayed dead ball when:
Sub-articles a-e remain the same.
f. a coach physically assists a runner (see 3-2-2); or
g. New f. a ball touches an illegal glove/mitt.
Rationale: With the new rule change in 3-2-2 and 8-4-2s, this is no longer a delayed dead ball situation.
Dead Ball and Delayed Dead ball table
Under Activity Section (page 36)
#10 A coach physically assists a runner……..5-1-2f
Under Awards or Penalties Section (page 36)
#10 Involved batter-runner or runner is out. Outs on play stand. Other runners return to bases occupied at time of infraction………3-2-2
Rationale: With the new rule change in 3-2-2 and 8-4-2s, this activity and accompanying award and penalty is no longer needed.